Adrianne McLean: The Divorce Coach
Divorce coach, lawyer, author, and NLP practitioner.

Life is not about surviving, it’s for thriving - Adrianne Mclean

Adrianne has created revolutionary new ways to help you with your breakup and divorce. She has combined her 18 years as a divorce lawyer, her coaching skills along with her own divorce experience to create a unique program to help anyone going through a break-up.

Adrianne Mclean Dvorce Coaching New Zealand

Discover a better way to separate, saving you anxiety money & time

During almost two decades as a divorce lawyer, I have seen the havoc that can be wrecked on families going through the separation process. What I saw led me to believe there had to be a better way.

So, I trained to become a divorce coach. That means, along with my mediation and collaborative legal practice, I can offer that better way. A process that focuses on supporting, guiding, and managing people through a divorce.

Combining coaching with my legal experience, I can advise you on how best to deal with your lawyer and legal matters, helping you save money and time and giving you clarity on the legal process and what your lawyer needs. I demystify the legal process for you and help you treat the legal side as a job giving you clarity and peace of mind.

Divorce is 90% emotional and 10% legal, as a coach I give you the tools and strategies you need to get in control of emotions separately so you can break up faster, with more kindness and dignity, saving time and money.

Struggling to divorce a high-conflict person? Worried about what and when to tell your children? Struggling with low self-esteem or being overwhelmed? Worrying about what the future holds for you? No matter what your situation is I have the solutions.

Coaching benefits

I work alongside other professionals such as child psychologists and accountants to help facilitate a more positive outcome.

Adrianne guides you through a goal-oriented process, designed to unpack emotions which means you take ownership of your divorce and your new future.  Adrianne’s mission is to empower you through all stages of your separation journey.

Better outcomes for you

Being in control, understanding the process, makes a significant difference in your outcome.

Get support &, guidance

Coaching means you will never feel alone overwhelmed or unsure how to move forward.

Avoid the high costs & trauma

Take control of your divorce, saving time, money and further trauma.

Transition to a fulfilling life

Yes there is life after divorce, plan and implement the life you want.

Adrianne Mclean Divorce Coach. Auckland
Adrianne Mclean Divorce Coach New Zealand

About me

Adrianne Mclean: Divorce lawyer

Divorce is stressful.  But there are alternatives to both of you lawyering up and retreating to your corner for the lawyers to slug it out.

You can instruct one lawyer to draft your agreements, financial and parenting, this gives you the advantage of both hearing the law at the same time and working though issue together.  This is a fixed fee, so you know your costs up front.

Couples who chose this way can finalise their relationship property/parenting agreements in around 2-4 weeks depending on the complexity of their matters.

If you want a kinder, dignified, cost efficient divorce then this is your alternative to the current divorce model.

The Low-Cost Divorce Solution

This book is about how not to get screwed by your ex, your lawyer and your mind

My book, The Low-Cost Divorce Solution, is a must-read for anyone considering divorce. 

It offers practical guidance on how to navigate the divorce process while keeping costs to a minimum.
The book provides simple yet effective strategies on how to manage your divorce, such as when to engage a lawyer and what to use the lawyer for, and how to negotiate with your ex to get the best possible outcome for all. It also features insightful advice on how to emotionally cope with the divorce process.

The low cost divorce solution

Get 15-Minutes complimentary discovery session.

No matter what your situation is, I have solutions to help and will guide you through a wide variety of options to reach the best possible outcome for your situation

Fill in the form for your free 15-minute consultation.